It's Here! It's Here!

When the doorbell rang this afternoon, I felt like the dad in "A Christmas Story." I looked at Abby who was blithely sitting at the counter eating peanut butter cookies, my eyes reeeaal wide, and said, "It's a major award!"

It wasn't really a major award, but I sure felt like it was. Because I'd been waiting all week for this.

Isn't she pretty?

I know, I'm pathetic. Such excitement over a washing machine.

People keep asking me if I got one of those fancy schmancy front-loading machines. You know, the kind like 99% of the world now has, except for me. Because I'm one of those change-averse people who really likes my top-loading machine, thankyouverymuch. And besides, I'm thinking ahead to the day (very soon, I have a feeling) when my back won't be what it used to be and I just might not be able to bend that far over without hurting something (those front loaders sit real close to the ground, have you noticed?).

So I stuck to my guns and got another top-loader.

Besides, have you seen where I actually have to go to do my laundry? This is so embarrassing, but I will show you the bowels of my home. The dregs, if you will. The ugliest place on my planet, which is probably why I hate doing laundry.

I have to go here:

I know. I'm pathetic.
