Wordless Wednesday

My next installment of the New York trip will just have to wait because I just have to show you what was waiting for me on the kitchen counter when I came in from a meeting last night.

Julia, my 13-year-old, made these all by herself. All. by. herself! They were delicious!

And the best part? Here's what my kitchen sink looked like:

I'm so proud of you, Julia!!


God and Dog

Remember last Saturday? How I guest posted over at (in)Courage? And I wrote about my dog? Sort of.

Well, one reader sent me this link, and I just HAD to share it with you.

It brought tears to my eyes because I could so relate. And because Thunder the Wonder Dog drives me absolutely crazy on some days. But she's still a gift.

Enjoy this today! And remember all the silly (and not-so-silly) ways God shows His love for you.
