One Word for 2015

Four years ago I chose my “One Word” for the first time. That word was Grace.

Two years ago I chose another word: Love.

Last year I didn’t bother. I was too busy or bogged down or burdened to even choose one word. What a waste—I could have used a word last year.

A few weeks ago while walking the dog I started thinking about choosing a word for 2015. So, as I often do while I’m walking the dog, I prayed about it: “Lord, what word would you have me think about in 2015?”

Almost immediately I felt God saying to me, “Shelly, just pursue me and I’ll take care of the rest.”


That doesn’t happen often, people. It’s not like God speaks audibly to me, like, ever, but He does sometimes impress something so clearly on my heart that I know it’s from Him. And this was one of those moments.

And then I put it away.

Because I wanted a cool word, a holy word, a word that would change my life. “Pursue” just didn’t feel like that word.

So last week, while walking, of course, I asked the Lord again (same scenario, take two): “What should my word be?”

Again, the impression felt so clear: Pursue me and I’ll take care of the rest.

I may be slow on the uptake sometimes, but I’m no dummy, so I gave in and decided right there on the corner of Cross and Union that my word would be Pursue.

As I’ve been thinking about this word, I've realized something. My last two words-of-the-year were nouns: concrete ways that I could give to others. Grace and Love were words that caused me to focus on the way I treat others, and these were necessary in my life at that time.

But this word, pursue, is a verb. It’s active, and it means “to chase after someone or something.”

(Of course it also means "to continue to annoy, afflict, or trouble." Hmmm. To cause a ruckus, perhaps?)

For me, the idea of chasing after someone or something is perfect for this year. I sense this word pushing me forward in two ways.

First, as I’ve already mentioned, I think the word will encourage me to pursue my relationship with God even more. It’s easy in this busy life to sometimes let that fall aside, but God has told me in His word that if I pursue Him, everything else will fall into place.
“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
 Second, I hope this word will give me courage to pursue my writing goals this year. It reminds me that if I want to achieve something I can’t sit idly by and simply wait for my goals to happen--I have to pursue them.

And that’s why I love that I’ve chosen a verb. Verbs have to be active, moving, pushing ahead—it’s who they are—they are not static like nouns. Verbs are doers--movers and shakers--and that’s what I want to be this year.

So, onward we go into this new year. I hope to cause a ruckus.


So tell me, have you chosen a word for 2015? What is it?