Good Reads

Obviously I haven't done a whole lot of blog reading this summer, but I have had a chance to skim through my reading list. Here are a few I've wanted to share with you from the past few weeks.

First, OH. MY. WORD. Ann Voskamp and her daughter, Hope, were in Africa last week visiting their Compassion child (how amazing would that be?!), and while they were there they also met up with Katie Davis (Kisses from Katie). Cool, huh?! Anyway, I'm going to list some of Ann's posts from her trip because each one is so moving and poignant and they will make you cry. 

Take the time to read these carefully, quietly, and allow yourself to be moved.

Alright, moving on. Here are a few more posts that also spoke to me recently.

I may not be the "est," but I am the "only" :: Kat at Inspired to Action. What a great way to look at our roles as moms.

Quit Pointing Your Avocado at Me :: Momastery. Oh boy, did I need this one. If you tend to fall into the comparison trap, you might want to read this one too.

Perspectives on Our Children's Education: Going Public :: The Gospel Coalition. Wow. The Gospel Coalition decided to take on one of those "hot topics" among Christian parents: education. This is one of a three-part series--parents who have chosen private, Christian school and homeschooling wrote the others, but since we put our kids in public school I found this one to be especially interesting. And the comments! Whoo doggie! Why, oh why, do we feel we need to belittle someone else's choices? Come on, people! (Still, the comments are fascinating.)

Would You Steal This Mommy Blogger Photo? :: The Velveteen Mind. A good reminder to all of us to be careful about how we use photos on our blogs. 

Well, I'm off. French Market this morning (if it doesn't rain), then more of the same

Have a great weekend, everyone!!!