Good Reads . . . and an announcement!

A few posts I have enjoyed lately:

How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft and Bank Fraud :: Imparting Grace. My friend, Richella, recently went through a horrific ordeal and shares her experience. You really need to read this and protect yourself from identity theft. [edited to add: I totally forgot to link to Richella's follow up to this story! It is amazing!]

Are You Mom Enough? (Mommy Wars) :: Desiring God Blog. Anyone else sick to death of the mommy wars? This puts an end to it for me.

If You've Ever Been Wounded by Women :: Ann VosKamp. Speaking of women treating each other badly. Ann again says so eloquently what I feel. "Who can bear living the whole of their lives and never learn what it means to really be a friend? I long to learn." Me too.

25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes :: Modern Country Style. On a lighter note . . . Fall is coming, and along with it comes scarves! Ever wonder how to really tie a scarf? Here is a cute, cute video showing you 25 creative ways to tie one on. :)

Now for the announcement. Be sure to come back on Monday when I'll introduce a new series on my blog. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time, and I'm really excited about it. I hope you'll follow along!

Now tell me, what's the best post you've read or written this week? Link up in the comments!
