Bravery Update

What can I say? You all are the best.


When I wrote what I wrote on Tuesday, I really didn't expect the kind of encouragement I got from you. Wow, that was awesome!

And your advice about being brave? Also quite awesome.

I will treasure your comments and go back to them often, I'm sure.

So my dear friends came over on Tuesday night for a little chit-chat about my book idea. We sipped wine, ate cheese, and talked parenting. Again, what an encouraging group!

I specifically chose several younger moms with kids in the 2-10 year range because I was really curious to see what kinds of issues and struggles they were facing. And I actually like hanging out with people who are younger than me--makes me feel, oh, I don't know, younger.

[side note: B and I waited quite a while to have kids, so a lot of people my age actually have kids who are getting married (gasp!) or who are having babies (double-gasp!) making them . . . grandparents. (The dull thud was me falling over in a dead faint.) Yeah, that phase of life is, I think, quite a ways off for us, we're kind of in between stages right now, so it's fun for me to hang out with the "younger moms."]

I have been so impressed by all of these women--they are involved in many activities outside of being moms, they are all serving both their families and the church, and they are all just really fun people to be with. All-in-all, I'd say that, for me, the night was a success. They gave me some great feedback as well as more to think about.

So now I'm off to spend a couple of days at a workshop on teaching the Bible. I went to it last year and really got a lot out of it, so I decided to give it another go. Plus, bonus!, I'm meeting Glenda there, so that's going to be great.

Sadly, my spring break is almost over. I have been home and car-less all week (OH MY WORD, I JUST REALIZED THAT I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT THAT!), and have loved every minute of it. I spent a good few hours this morning preparing for next week's classes, and I realized that the next few weeks are going to be . . . ugh . . . busy. I hate that, but it just is. Not only will I have 8 more weeks of school, I also realized this morning that I have not one, but TWO girls graduating this spring. One from high school (big deal, for sure), and one from middle school (which also cannot be overlooked).

Anyway, time to head out. I just wanted to say thanks again for just being you. I don't know if I'm any less brave today than I was on Tuesday, but your encouragement this week definitely has made a difference.
