Hope for the Weary Mom

Some of you might remember that I write a once-a-month post for moms of girls over at the MODsquad blog (every third Monday just in case you want to put that on your calendar). I'm so proud to be a part of what's happening over there--encouraging mothers of daughters to raise them to know Jesus.

What you might not know is that there is a counter-part to the MODsquad for moms of boys called the M.O.B. Society. If you have sons, you might want to check that out.

Every Saturday in November, the MODsquad and the M. O. B. Society are coming together for a series called "Hope for the Weary Mom" because, as we all know, weariness knows no gender. It just is. 

Today's post is written by the founder of the M. O. B. Society, Brooke McGlothlin, and I tell you, it is fantastic. Even the title (which I'm always telling my students to PAY ATTENTION to!) will make you laugh: Beer & Cigarettes {hope for the weary mom}. Pop on over there if you need a little encouragement on this Saturday.
