Christmas Movie Quotes--A Game and a Giveaway
/Our family is constantly quoting movies--I don't think a day goes by that someone in this house doesn't quote a movie. Just the other day, for example, Kate stopped by the house for something (who knows what it was--a piece of cake, a pair of shoes, a kiss from her mama) and as she was leaving she said all spiffy like, "Catch up wit'cha later!" which, if you lived in this house, you would recognize as a quote from "She's the Man."
Oh Amanda Bynes, you crack me up. Someday I'll have to do a list of Amanda Bynes movie quotes. She's one of my favorites.
Anyway . . . suffice it to say that we're just a movie-quoting family around here. Other people don't get it, but it's kind of like a secret language that we speak. Most often-quoted movie of all time (in our family anyway)? "It's a Wonderful Life," of course! I don't have time to go into all that "It's a Wonderful Life" means to our family, but I'll try to get around to that post another day.
A day on which college girls aren't imminently arriving to bake cookies at my house--yikes!
Hey, why don't we make this a game? I'll post the quotes and, just for fun, you post the name of the movie in the comments section. And to make this game even more fun, why don't I offer a prize to the person who gets them all right? How 'bout like a $20 Starbucks gift card? (If there is more than one person who gets them all right, I'll do a random drawing to determine the winner.)
Yeah! This is going to be fun!
So here we go . . . ten Christmas Movie Quotes.
1. "I . . . I . . . I want a BIG one."
2. “ All I want is what I... I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share.”
3. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."
4. "Faith is believing when common sense tells you not to."
5. “Is this toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association?”
6. “Yellow eyes. The kid had yellow eyes!”
7. "Hey, we’re all misfits too. Maybe we’ll stay here for a while."
8. "Happy Birthday!"
9. “Oh, Linda Mason.”
10. "I don't know what to say, except it's Christmas and we're all in misery."
Let's see . . . I'll give you until Friday at noon to make your comments. Make sure you give me your email address so I can contact you if you win.
[Edited to remove the sentence about not cheating. Cheat away!]
Have fun!
P.S. Tell your friends to come play too! The more the merrier!