
In a little crack in our sidewalk, jutting out between the stones, sits this errant flower. A snapdragon that I didn't plant.

Two years ago I planted snapdragons in my yard. Two years ago we enjoyed their cheerful greeting as we entered our house.

I'm fickle, so last year I chose a different type of flower to grace our entry. And this year, another.

But this crazy snapdragon won't give up. It sprouted between the rocks last year, and I didn't have the heart to pull it out. Then again, this year it showed up, peeking out from its winter hiding place.

Yes, it looks strange. Yes, it is out of place. But I can't let it go, because every time I walk past that little flower I think of words of scripture. Words that God tells me to be: steadfast, immoveable, rooted and grounded in love.

This little flower that seems so out of place is firmly planted, not giving up, weathering the winter storms and gracing us again with life.

So if you come visit me and wonder why on earth there is one little snapdragon jutting out between the stones, you'll know that it's just a reminder to myself: be steadfast.

"Therefore, my beloved brothers (and sisters), be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."
