Monday Morning Madness

Welcome to the craziness that is my house right now.

Because it's Monday and there is certainly some madness going on here at the moment, I thought a list would help clarify my wild life right now, both for me and for you.

Madness factor #1

We have a little bathroom on the first floor that has been in desperate need of a remodel pretty much ever since we moved in here 12 years ago. And since this is about the only full week I'll be home all summer, we decided this would be a good week to get it done. Go figure.

So this morning brought with it one builder, one plumber, no water, demolition, and lots and lots of chaos.

Madness factor #2

It is wonderful, and very nearly a necessity, to have a generator in our neighborhood. The City hasn't figured out how to handle all the flooding that happens here, so when the power goes out and your sumps don't work, you are in deep doo doo.

Unless you have a generator (which we do).

Unless you have a really big storm on Friday night and the power goes out and your generator doesn't work.

So add the generator repair man to the chaos that is my house this morning.

Madness factor #3

Our weekend was filled with entertaining, which is really fun for me. On Friday, we had some missionary friends over for dinner . . . an impromptu candlelight dinner . . . since we had no power. Thank goodness we have a grill.

Only, when you make baked beans on a grill, you have to remember to stir them every once in a while. Or else they burn. Just sayin'.

Madness factor #4

On Saturday a dear friend from Michigan drove down for the night. He's a pretty special part of our family who we don't get to see very often, so it was great to have him come for a visit.

Honestly, how many 24 year old guys would drive 2 1/2 hours to come visit a couple of "old folks" just to have dinner and go to church the next day? Not many.

Oh, but he may have come just to see "Toy Story 2" with us. Now that was fun!

Madness factor #5

Father's Day was not-so-crazy. We ended up doing the same thing we always do on Father's Day--the Cantigny Park Art Show. We took a picnic, enjoyed the art, and walked around smelling the flowers.

Madness factor #6

So that brings us back to this week. Did I mention that this is our last full week at home for a while? As in a month?

I'm not sure how much I'll be around here in July, but I'll let you know.

At any rate, there WILL be Fabulous Friday Food, so come on back every Friday this summer to get some great recipe ideas for the weekend.

In the meantime, I'd better get back to the chaos. I hear a generator running (hooray!) and a vacuum picking up tile bits in the bathroom and a dog who wants to be let in but who will have to hang out outside for a while.
