Good Reads

Last week was such a great week filled with wonderful posts that made me cry, think, and laugh, that I thought I would share some of them with you.

Melanie is one of my regular reads. She is so funny on most days, but I was so glad she decided to "get political" this week. Be sure to read through the entire post (it's kind of long, but when did that ever bother me?) because the best part is at the end.

And speaking of politics . . . my high school friend, Linda, has started a blog of her own. Way to go, Linda! I'm stealing this one from her (she linked to it earlier this week), but it's so good I want you to read it too.

You all know I like the Stuff Christians Like blog. That Jon makes me laugh so hard, and yet his blog is filled with truth. This week he decided to "go big or go home" and raise some money for Samaritan's Purse to build a kindergarten in Vietnam. Check out this post and this one and this one to see what God did with his dream. It's amazing.

Finally, I saw this site highlighted on the news last week and had to check it out just because I love its name: "My Parents Were Awesome." It's the brainchild of a guy who realized that before they had kids, his parents were pretty darn cool. He asks people to send in pictures and memories of their parents. It's such a cute idea. Of course, my kids' parents were never cool, but we DID have a life before kids.

Happy reading!