Bloggy Business

There's a lot of chatter out there. Blog chatter. About a certain blog conference that will be held in Nashville in February.

Seems like everywhere I turn in the blog world people are talking about whether or not they'll attend. And I'm getting the feeling that it's like junior high again--all the popular girls will be attending and all of us not-so-popular girls will be sitting on the sidelines watching.

Truth be told, I probably couldn't go anyway. My winter and spring are already getting filled up with various travel-related activities.

But here's what I'd like to talk about today: growing the blog.

If you're a blogger, I'd really like to hear from you about whether you've ever attended a blogging conference. If so, was it worth it? Why? If you've never attended a blogging conference, why not? What are your thoughts about blogging conferences?

If you're not a blogger, you can still help me out. Tell me what you think would help me grow my blog. And if you'd even go one step further by emailing one person who you think would enjoy reading my ramblings and sending them the link to my blog that would be completely amazing.

And finally, if you haven't noticed that little button off to the left that says "Follow" go find it and click on it. Followers make me very, very happy.

O.K., so now head on down to the place that says "comments" and talk to me.