Strange Coincidences?

Sometimes things happen and you end up scratching your head thinking, "Hmmm, now was that a coincidence or what?!" I've started looking at these "coincidences" a little more deeply lately, and I'm beginning to think there is no such thing as a coincidence.

Here are a couple of examples:

Through this blog I became involved with Inspired Bliss and through Inspired Bliss I became acquainted a little bit with the other women who are writing devotionals. One gal, Michelle, sent me an email one day asking if my husband was related to a family her husband knew when he was growing up. Turns out, it WAS my husband's family. I learned from Michelle that my father-in-law taught Sunday School to her husband when he was young, and my brother-in-law (B's brother) had a great influence on Michelle's husband when he was in high school (still following me?). Michelle's husband is a pastor today. The little "coincidence" of my writing a devotional for a fairly random blog ended up being a nice encouragement in that I got to "meet" Michelle and hear about how my husband's family influenced her husband.

Today Michelle sent me a note on Twitter that said, "BTW Thanksgiving conversation revolved around the W's and your wedding. Apparently my in-laws were all there. :)" The coincidences continue, right? I just thought it was interesting that I would start writing for a website, meet this girl, and find out how closely involved her husband's and my husband's families were. I hope I have a chance to meet her someday. And there won't be anything coincidental about it.

The second "coincidence" happened just this morning as I was speaking to a group of women at our church. I had known for weeks that part of my talk would be centered around John 3:16, but I hadn't really mentioned that to anyone. Well, just before it was my turn to speak a group of 3-5 year olds got up to sing a few songs and to say the Bible verse they had been learning this semester. You guessed it . . . they recited John 3:16!

I must have sat there with my mouth hanging open. Was it a coincidence that those kids would recite John 3:16 just before I was to go up and speak on John 3:16? I think not. I really think there is no such thing as coincidence.

And I think God is very cool for doing that this morning.