I'm Back, and I'm Better!
No, don't click the "X" in the corner! You're in the right place! I had my blog remodeled. Don't you just love it?!
Thanks so much to Shauna (who just happens to live in one of my favorite places--Dallas) who did the work for me. I love it!
Well, Aspen was beautiful. About five weeks ahead of us in weather so, I have to admit, I was happy to come home to degrees in the 80's.
But still, B and I had a great time exploring, hiking, driving, and gondola-riding. Aspen is just as charming as I had imagined. And just as "ritzy." Oh my. I couldn't hang out there too much longer or my kids wouldn't be able to go to college.
I think the highlight for both of us came yesterday, after B's meetings were finished. We hopped in the car and headed for the Maroon Bells--two mountain peaks, not far from Aspen, that are both over 14,000 in elevation. We took the beautiful drive to the parking area, then hiked for a little while, past Maroon Lake and on up toward the mountains.
Past flourescent yellow aspen trees in their peak color, over small wooden bridges, along a small mountain creek toward a dry creek bed. We imagined how huge this dry creek must be when the snow is melting in the spring. We contemplated the different colored ridges up high on the rocky peaks and wondered how those stripes of white were formed into such red rock. We talked about how small we are, really, and how all the "stuff" we worry about day-by-day is really insignificant in light of God's huge creation.
It was a marvelous hour or so.
But you know what we didn't do?
Take pictures.
[Note to self: real bloggers carry cameras. Always.]
Thanks so much to Shauna (who just happens to live in one of my favorite places--Dallas) who did the work for me. I love it!
Well, Aspen was beautiful. About five weeks ahead of us in weather so, I have to admit, I was happy to come home to degrees in the 80's.
But still, B and I had a great time exploring, hiking, driving, and gondola-riding. Aspen is just as charming as I had imagined. And just as "ritzy." Oh my. I couldn't hang out there too much longer or my kids wouldn't be able to go to college.
I think the highlight for both of us came yesterday, after B's meetings were finished. We hopped in the car and headed for the Maroon Bells--two mountain peaks, not far from Aspen, that are both over 14,000 in elevation. We took the beautiful drive to the parking area, then hiked for a little while, past Maroon Lake and on up toward the mountains.
Past flourescent yellow aspen trees in their peak color, over small wooden bridges, along a small mountain creek toward a dry creek bed. We imagined how huge this dry creek must be when the snow is melting in the spring. We contemplated the different colored ridges up high on the rocky peaks and wondered how those stripes of white were formed into such red rock. We talked about how small we are, really, and how all the "stuff" we worry about day-by-day is really insignificant in light of God's huge creation.
It was a marvelous hour or so.
But you know what we didn't do?
Take pictures.
[Note to self: real bloggers carry cameras. Always.]