It's Launch Day!

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It's finally here and I'm doing a Happy Dance!

First Ask Why: Raising Kids to Love God Through Intentional Discipleship releases today! Hopefully as I write this, booksellers are stocking their shelves or loading their Amazon trucks to deliver this book into the hands of many.

It has long been my belief that our world needs families who want to make a difference for Christ. This book provides just a few suggestions for intentionally pouring the gospel into the lives of our kids. And it is the gospel that makes the difference. Parents are just the tools that will help disciple our kids. We're not aiming for perfection here--just a little more intention.

This week, First Ask Why hit a milestone: it was an Amazon #1 New Release in the area of Children's Ministries. I'm thrilled by what God is doing with this book, as many of the early reviews are coming in. Here are a few of the early comments about the book:

"What a powerful book for parents! I love the biblical approach that Shelly Wildman has and the thoughtful, organized, humble way she approaches parenting and teaching."

"Written in a winsome, relatable style, these are the words of an experienced mom who has depended on God throughout the journey of parenting and who now possesses great wisdom, perspective, and compassion for parents."

"This is a thoughtful and well written book if you are looking for realistic, Biblical perspective on why we do what we do as parents rather than a laundry list of things you must do."

"I am so grateful for this picture of INTENTIONAL discipleship and how it helps me to see the BIG picture of parenting in the midst of my every day goals."

As this book finds its way into the world, it is my deepest prayer that God would be honored and glorified, not just through my words, but through the families that are touched by them. May we all become people who love God just a little more by intentionally seeking ways to share Him with our kids and with the world around us.

Now, to the fun stuff! This week I'm giving away a red "You Are Special Today" plate. Chapter 10 of First Ask Why talks about intentionally creating family memories, and this plate is one of the best ways I've found that we can do that. And it doesn't have to be used just for birthdays. Pull out the "Special" plate to celebrate report cards, Bible verses memorized, or home runs. There's always a reason to celebrate!

To win this plate, simply leave a comment here or on Instagram. I'll choose a winner on Friday.


Shelly’s book, First Ask Why: Raising Kids to Love God Through Intentional Discipleship, releases on April 24, and is available for preorder on Amazon and Barnes and Noble or through

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